Reducing Maternal Morbidity & Mortality with MOMitor

Funded by the Florida Department of Health

CoDES Members

Amie J Goodin
Department: Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy

Amie J Goodin Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Principal Investigators

Kay Roussos-Ross, MD
Deepthi Varma, PhD
Amie Goodin, PhD
Tony Wen, MD

Co-Investigators & Collaborators

Research Coordinators: Lauren Agliano, Rhea Parimoo, Nayana Sojin, Raisa Zarin
Core Team: Cherish Paul, Chloe Tapanes, Lauren Agliano, Rhea Parimoo, Nayana Sojin, Jungjun Bae


The study developed, beta-tested, and now evaluates health and economic outcomes for a digital health intervention called the MOMitorTM smartphone application (app). The app provides a tool for maternal healthcare clinicians and their patients in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UF Health, with plans to extend beyond. Designed to supplement perinatal care from home, MOMitorTM screens pregnant and postpartum patients in real time for symptoms of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality, including: mental health symptoms, blood pressure, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, infection monitoring, substance use, and lactation concerns. App-delivered screenings and communications provide patients with additional support and educational resources during pregnancy and the postpartum.

MoMitor Perinatal Medical Monitoring University of Florida logo

Data collected from participants in the MOMitorTM smartphone application (app) are securely housed and maintained via CoDES servers. The research infrastructure provided by CoDES facilitates a secure environment and sophisticated analytical tools to work with these data.


  • Varma, Deepthi PhD; Dhillon, Karamveer MBBS; Goodin, Amie PhD; Maguire, Michael MS; Roussos-Ross, Dikea MD; Wen, Tony MD. Postpartum Mood Assessment and Intervention Using a Smartphone-Based Application [ID: 1376272]. Obstetrics & Gynecology 141(5S):p 65S-66S, May 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000930604.07054.e0 
  • Goodin, Amie PhD; Dhillon, Karamveer MBBS; Jennings-Coulibaly, Alexis MPH; Roussos-Ross, Dikea MD; Varma, Deepthi PhD; Wen, Tony MD. Real-Time Assessment of Symptoms for Postpartum Care via a Smartphone Application: Pilot Evaluation [ID: 1376090]. Obstetrics & Gynecology 141(5S):p 65S, May 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000930600.57923.05 
  • Analyzing the utility of ecological momentary assessment in the evaluation of postpartum depression
  • Roussos-Ross, Kay et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 230, Issue 1, S173 – S174
  • Utilizing ecological momentary assessment in the postpartum evaluation of patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
  • Utilizing ecological momentary assessment in the postpartum evaluation of patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Roussos-Ross, Kay et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 230, Issue 1, S418