Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage to people aged 65 years or older and those with disabilities or end-stage renal disease. Annual Medicare enrollment has exceeded 50 million since 2012. Data include claims for inpatient, skilled care nursing facility, and hospice care (Part A) as well as outpatient care (Part B) and prescription drugs (Part D). CoDES center has in-house 5% national Medicare data for the years 2011 through 2015 plus 1 million beneficiaries in FL who were over sampled from individuals who reside in the UF Health catchment area, and 15% national Medicare beneficiaries plus the entire state of Florida for 2016-2020, totaling >10 million lives.
Medicare data are linked to the Long Term Care Minimum Data Set (MDS) and the Health and Retirement Survey. MDS contains data on health status and resource utilization for residents of long term care nursing facilities. HRS includes survey data from persons 50 years and older with information on self-reported health and functional status, insurance, and income.
Enrollment tables for the claims data sets listed above by year can be found here.