
Codes Abstract Mark

Research Computing Services Support

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Safety (CoDES) Research Computing Services (CoDES-RCS) Support Fee supports the computing environment required for use of big data .  The Support Fee is a multi-level funding mechanism in collaboration with maintained in CoDES in collaboration with the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (POP) and UF Research Computing. It provides appropriate levels of access to hardware, software, data storage infrastructure, data archiving and disaster recovery, user management and computational and administrative support and services resources.  CoDES-RCS supports handling of sensitive data such as personal health information and social security numbers in compliance with state and federal policies. 

The resources and services provided by CoDES-RCS represent direct costs expended in support of project personnel and the above-described fees. These services are not included in any institutional indirect or overhead costs recovered by the University.  As an approved auxiliary core activity, in order to ensure compliance with federal and University regulations, the support fee is applied equally to all projects regardless of sources of funding.  Because the auxiliary core cannot generate revenue according to university regulations, costs are generally underestimated.

Data Access Fees

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Safety (CoDES) facilitates for its members access to a variety of data sources.  Access fees are based on annual cost for data licenses or purchase of annual date refreshers and staff hours allocated for cohort discovery and preparation of final data extracts for analysis. The calculation of access fees overestimates the number of CoDES members who access the data and therefore underbudgets data recovery to ensure compliance with UF guidance that does not allow auxiliary cores to generate revenue.